Features Specification Decay Time Characteristics Dimensions Download SBL-80S The real-time automatic ion balance adjustment function enables stable performance, and the emitter cartridge replacement type makes it easy to replace and clean the discharge needle. It is easy to maintain by applying a detachable fan filter (optional) and is compact and lightweight. This is a next-generation…


Features Specification Decay Time Characteristics Dimensions Head Installation Conditions Download SVH-K24 It is a static eliminator using Vacuum Ultra Violet ray (VUV) that can remove static electricity in the decompression and inert gas environment. Simple Real-time On/Off control system minimizes unnecessary VUV exposure to the electrified object. Key Features Eliminating Static electricity in inert gas…


Features Specification Decay Time Characteristics Dimensions Shielding Methods Download SXN-15N Suitable Ionizer for super clean process as there is no dust, electromagnetic wave, ozone. With 15kV application, it is effective for wide area and long distance. Module structure type makes tube replacement easy on site as it can be separated or combined. Furthermore, purchase by…


Features Specification Decay Time Characteristics Dimensions Shielding Methods Download SXN-15N(450) Suitable Ionizer for super clean process as there is no dust, electromagnetic wave, ozone. With 15kV application, it is effective for wide area and long distance. Module structure type makes tube replacement easy on site as it can be separated or combined. Furthermore, purchase by…


Features Specification Dimensions Application Download SPS-10M It is a contactless type electric voltage sensor that can measure the target object. Within the range of ±19.999kV, user can measure the target by 0.1V level in detail SPE-100 (New) is very precise and highly sensitive unit in measurement. Key Features Contactless type electric voltage measuring device Measuring Range : 0V…


Features Specification Dimensions Application Download SM-50 It is a contactless type electric voltage sensor that can measure the target object. Within the range of ±19.999kV, user can measure the target by 0.1V level in detail SPE-100 (New) is very precise and highly sensitive unit in measurement. Key Features Contactless type electric voltage measuring device Measuring Range : 0V…


Features Specification Dimensions Download SCXT0817Key Features 5kV Ceramic X-ray Tube Customized production available for customers heatShock, heatsafety, miniaturization, high voltage tube high vacuum in design according to life span elongation food foreign body inspection, environment inspection equipment, weight measurement, XRF Various applications are possible, such as Realization of miniaturization through transmissive structure Do you need…


Features Specification Dimensions Download SCXT0829Key Features 11kV Ceramic X-ray Tube Customized production available for customers heatShock, heatsafety, miniaturization, high voltage tube high vacuum in design according to life span elongation food foreign body inspection, environment inspection equipment, weight measurement, XRF Various applications are possible, such as Realization of miniaturization through transmissive structure Do you need…