Home / Business Area / Electrostatic Solution / MMS & RMS / SCM-10A


Key Features


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기술지원 및 고객센터


ParameterDescription / Value
PerformancesMonitored Voltage Range0 to ±1100 VDC or peak AC
Decay Mode ThresholdsStart VoltageProgrammable from 100 to ±1000 V in 10 V increments
Start AccuracyWithin ±1 V of programmed start voltage
Stop VoltageProgrammable from 10 to ±100 V in 1 V increments
Stop AccuracyWithin ±1 V of programmed stop voltage
Discharge Time Resolution0.1 sec
MechanicalDimensions (H x W x D)43.7 x 135 x 165 mm
Weight0.9 kg
Voltage MonitorBNC Connector (3 m length maximum)
Ground ReceptacleBinding ground post
Cable from Instrument to
Floating Plate
Coaxial type;
Standard plate, diameter is 5.6mm (0.22in); length is 3m (10ft)
Mini plate, diameter is 2.8 mm (0.11in); length is 3m (10 ft)
ElectricalInput Powerxternal Adaptor(24VDC, 1.75 A) or Battery(Option)
FeaturesLCD Display3.97inch LCD displays graphical readouts, numeric data, informational data,
programming parameters and retrieved data
Analysis Resolution12 bits
Mode Select / ProgrammingAllows multiple operational and programming options. Can be preset to perform a
number of automated tests and is available to store or retrieve previously defined test
parameters. Test locations and results can be saved and retrieved for future reference.
Ion Collecting PlateMeets ANSI/ESD-STM3.1 requirements
Decay modeThe ion collecting plate is charged to a voltage level above the programmed start
voltage value. The plate is allowed to decay toward zero due to the ion impingement
on the plate. The time required for the plate to decay from the programed start voltage
to the programed stop voltage is displayed on the timer. (+)Decay 1st, (-)Decay 2nd.
Balance modeThe charged plate monitor is reset to 0 V ±0.5 V. The plate is allowed to “float” to a
voltage level dictated by ion impingement on the plate.
Remote control / monitoringCan be used in a daisy chain configuration with up to 8 devices connected via the
Modbus protocol
Warranty1 Year
